When Should Use Telecentric Lenses
Telecentric lenses are used to help eliminate perspective errors. Telecentric lenses are used to correct the parallax of ordinary industrial optics. In this article, we will discuss when telecentric lenses are needed.
Why should we use telecentric lenses?
– They produce sharper images because they focus light more accurately than non-telecentric lenses.
– They are less likely to produce distortion and blur in images, which can improve clarity and accuracy.
– Telecentric lenses reduce chromatic aberration, which is a type of distortion caused by the different colors of light experiencing different degrees of refraction as they pass through the lens.
When should we use a telecentric lens?
When the inspection object runs into the following 6 circumstances, it is best to utilize the telecentric lens, of its fundamental qualities and distinctive advantages:
1) When it’s important to find thick objects (thickness > 1/10 FOV diameter);
2) When it’s necessary to detect items that are not on the same plane;
3) When the distance between the object and the lens is unclear;
4) When it’s important to find three-dimensional, apertured objects;
5) When minimal distortion is necessary and the visual effect’s brightness must be almost identical;
6) When flaws are only visible with parallel illumination facing the same way.
A telecentric lens is a lens designed to correct various aberrations. They are commonly found in cameras and devices, and when used properly, they can be very beneficial. When you have the above problems, you can consider using a telecentric lens to help you solve the problem. If you have other questions, you can consult SmartMoreInside and we will answer them in detail.