Product News

Great Power’s ESS Technology: Innovating the Future of Energy Storage

Great Power, a trailblazer in stationary energy storage system (ESS) technology, is backed by an unparalleled research and development (R&D) infrastructure. At the forefront is the National-level Postdoctoral Research Center, where top-tier researchers collaborate to drive innovation. This center serves as the epicenter of breakthroughs, ensuring that Great Power’s ESS technology stays ahead in the dynamic landscape of ESS technology.

Localized Brilliance – Provincial-level Research Centers Propel Advancements

In its commitment to pushing the boundaries of ESS technology, Great Power strategically operates two Provincial-level Research Centers. These centers act as localized hubs of brilliance, fostering collaborative efforts and multidisciplinary approaches. By tapping into regional expertise, Great Power ensures that its ESS solutions are not only globally competitive but also cater to specific energy storage needs across diverse markets.

The Innovation Engine – Four Research Institutes Powering Progress

Great Power’s dedication to pioneering ESS solutions is evident in its four Research Institutes. These institutes serve as the innovation engine, propelling the development of cutting-edge technologies. By investing in specialized research, Great Power continuously enhances its ESS offerings, delivering products with exceptional safety performance, extended cycle life, and unparalleled energy efficiency.

Great Power stands as a beacon of innovation, revolutionizing the energy storage landscape with its advanced ESS technology. Anchored by a robust R&D infrastructure, the company’s commitment to excellence is evident at every level.

At the pinnacle of Great Power’s R&D strength is the National-level Postdoctoral Research Center, where researchers collaborate to drive innovation. This center ensures that Great Power stays ahead in the dynamic ESS technology landscape, consistently delivering groundbreaking solutions to its customers.


With its formidable R&D strength, Great Power is poised to shape the future of energy storage, delivering innovative solutions that power progress and drive sustainable change.With its formidable R&D strength, Great Power is poised to shape the future of energy storage, delivering innovative solutions that power progress and drive sustainable change.

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